Сталевий сляб прямокутного перетину

Луцьк | Оголошення додано 21 червня 2020, №: 161878
  • Стан: Нове 
UKREXPORT LTD represents producers of Rectangular Steel Slabs in Ukraine and in neighboring countries if they ship via Ukraine. Slabs/Blooms are a kind of very rough Billets, but not in typical square or round cross-section form, but that of larger rectangular form with average sides like 250mm and 1000mm and average length 6,000mm. It’s a thick steel plate/bar modernly smelted in a continuous-casting machine and intended for further re-rolling into thinner plates 20mm down to 5mm thick. Typical Slab/Bloom weighs 10mt each piece or by agreement with buyer can be cut into multiple units/lengths/weighs. It is seldom delivered in 20ft/40ft containers, although in case of cutting into multiple units/lengths/weighs containerized shipment would also make sense upon special shipping rates.
Generally in this part of the world, production of Rectangular Steel Slabs is regulated by the original standard GOST 25715-83 (Hot-Rolled) and the technical condition TU 14-1-3348-82 (Continuously-Cast). This production develops plenty of steel grades and is mainly intended for Ukraine’s domestic end-use applications. Overseas buyers, if they can’t specify precise steel grade(s) for their inquired purchases, are advised to choose from main application fields accordingly, as following:
-- general purpose plates (plain carbon steel, constructional steel, deoxidized steel, alloyed steel, unalloyed steel, cold-resistant steel);
-- for shipbuilding industry (deoxidized steel normal strength, carbon steel normal strength, carbon steel heightened strength);
-- for high-pressure boilers and tanks (plain carbon steel, lower quality alloyed steel);
-- for spring applications (quality constructional steel, higher quality alloyed steel).
Minimal order quantity is 5,000mt because Steel Slabs/Blooms are literally largest pieces of metallurgic raw materials and, as such, are sold in commercial bulk quantities qualifying both for minimal single and minimal part vessel transportations. Please note, any original production of Steel Slabs/Blooms is factory approvable but not publicly accessible process. True inquiry for particular production/offer/price has to show authentic information: 1) who (what company) is buyer/importer/consignee; 2) where (what bank) his payment is to come from; 3) how (in copies of docs) he bought/imported/consumed Slabs/Blooms last time, to prove 1) and 2). Visit Ukrexport(dot)Ltd.
As provided by National Classifier of Ukraine DK 009:2010
"Classification of Types of Economic Activity" (KVED):
*71130 Domestic trade to commercial organizations;
72200 International trade to commercial organizations;
*51.70.0 Other wholesale trade.

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